Day 30 : Fun at the Airport

So Sarah refused to include this in the blog yesterday, but at dinner she ate a lot of the sugar from the shaker. When we had to leave, she then proceeded to fill her napkin with sugar to save it for later. As we were walking around, she tried to funnel it into her mouth but the napkin started to rip and she spilled it all over herself. Like her face had sugar all over it, it spilled down her shirt, and somehow even got under her money belt.

Okay, so yesterday Sarah mentioned that a group of people came into the lounge while we were hanging out and there was this really annoying Canadian guy. So anyway, along with the Canadian guy and the girl from Carnegie Mellon was this group of guys from New Jersey. We didn’t talk to them at all while we were up there, but later when Sarah and I were going to take a shower we ran into them again. We were in the bathroom and Sarah was already in the first shower and I was about half a step away from walking into the second one, when one of them was like “hey, where are you from.” I’m pretty sure he was not completely sober, but we had a short polite conversation until his third friend came in and he had to switch into show-off-y guy mode. He decided to finish the conversation by saying something along the lines of “if you are going to get naked don’t let me get in the way” and then “I am in bunk 40 by the way.” After they left the room Sarah laughed, but through the whole thing she was completely silent and of no help.

When we woke up this morning, the guys from New Jersey were just getting up too and we had another short conversation with them, but this time they were sober. It turns out that after the WallCanadian guy had left us alone, he went and attacked one of them with questions. He wouldn’t stop talking to him for at least 45 minutes and asked him the same stupid questions about how old the world was and whether he liked George Bush. I guess we were lucky to get out so soon.

After actually leaving the hostel, we went to the East Side Gallery, which is the largest section of the Berlin Wall still standing. After seeing the second largest section, I was expecting this one to be way smaller, but it was probably about six blocks long, if not longer. There was graffiti all over it, and most of the graffiti was pretty cool. We kept walking until the next subway station and then went to a museum type thing about the wall. On the way there we passed an area where there were poster boards and a few people walking around. We looked in and it turned out to be a memorial. Apparently the Berlin Wall especially affected people on this street because it ran right through it and blocked off a major church. A while afterwards, the church was demolished.

Across the street was the place that we were actually trying to go. The major point of the museum was the replica of the Berlin Wall and the death zone in between the two walls. On our tour a few days ago, we learned that the Berlin Wall was actually two walls that ran parallel to each other, and the walls were mostly there to slow people down so that guards could shoot them while they were in between. Anyway, after climbing about four flights of stairs you could look down and across the street and see the replica. Inside there were also film clips taken by American and British people.

We decided to take the tram after the museum to get back to the train station where we had stored our bags earlier. After turning the corner though there was a ton of traffic and the tram was averaging about 5 minutes per block so we got off and took the subway. After a few transfers, a 15 minute wait, and an unexpectedly long subway ride, we ended up at the airport about 20 minutes before our flight was scheduled to depart. When we got to the right counter, the woman told us that it was too late and boarding stopped 40 minutes before scheduled departure. After looking up prices and times for every single possible type of transportation, we discovered that the cheapest thing to do would be to switch our flight to the next flight offered by our original airline with the 50 euro penalty. The problem was that the next flight was at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. Soooo here we are, in the airport 11 hours later with about 11 hours left to go. There is no way that we are missing the next one. Corinne and Sarah went out to get food a while ago and then we watched a third of the new Indiana Jones and three episodes of Greek. All in all, it hasn’t been too bad so far. Almost like a relaxing Carnegie Mellon day. We even made a friend with a two year old boy who seemed to find us very intriguing.

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Filed under Germany, Rosie

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