Corinne: Final List


1. City: Prague

2. Country: Austria

3. Travel leg: Vienna to Klagenfurt

4. Person we talked to: New York Rangers fan

5. Purchase: Red bag

6. View: Prague

7. European food: Langos

Bests and Worsts

8. Best meal: At the Austrian cafe, the potato and egg dish

9. Worst meal: Ramen in Prague

10. Best hostel: Seventh Heaven

11. Worst hostel: BCD (was it even a hostel?)

When were you most…

12. Awed: Prague view

13. Bored: Lake Balaton

14. Dirty/disgusting: after the long walk to the hostel in Krakow

15. Hungry: Budapest

16. Scared: when the bell rang in the tower of Matthaus Church in Berlin

17. Stressed: the day we missed the flight

18. Tired: Lake Balaton (lethargic is more like it)

What is something you…

19. Learned about Sarah/Rosie/Corinne: About Sarah, she can get distracted easily (especially while navigating), she makes awesome mouth noises, great at calming situations, can pick up people’s moods, and can be pleasingly blunt. About Rosie, she doesn’t complain (ever), has trouble making decisions, doesn’t snack, and is awesome at tap dancing.

20. Lost/left in Europe: Rick Steves with Maria (she better bring it back)

21. Couldn’t have done without: Rick Steves, sneakers, my folder with all our travel info

22. Found: sticker that says “good for you food”

23. Broke: water bottle

24. Liked: that the first opera was actually a ballet

25. Were addicted to: postcards

26. Spent most of the time on the train doing: planning or Sudoku

27. Didn’t really want to do at first, but are happy you did: walk into the sketchy graffiti art gallery

28. Wish you had packed: a book, pillow, dressing up shoes

29. Wish you hadn’t packed: contact stuff

U.S. v. Europe

30. Most missed American thing: pizza

31. Something the U.S. should do more like Europe: more friendly to car-less people (bikes, walking, public transport)

Weights and Measurements

32. What piece of clothing you wore the most without washing and how long it was: possibly my sweatpants, which I wore as pjs every night, and I can’t remember ever washing them… (the truth comes out)

33. How many books you read (with titles): Dune, the Broker, Rick Steves’ Guide to Eastern Europe, Cordina’s Royal Family

34. When you started counting down the days: when we had one day to go

35. Weight of your backpack at the beginning and end of of the trip: 10 kg to 20 kg (thanks Maria)

Leasts and Mosts

36. Most expensive purchase: my bag $20

37. Least favorite person we met: opera guy who bounced us

38. Funniest moment for Corinne/Sarah/Rosie: when Sarah became Sarah Pfeller, when Rosie got up to pee and couldn’t find the key

39. Place that was least like you expected: Poland

40. Most difficult thing you did: canoeing

41. Least used item you packed: contacts


42. Advice for future travelers: get cash at ATMs, keep a budget, find a guidebook that has advice, not just information, know how to use public transportation

43. The trip in one word: unbelieveable (still pinching myself)

Thanks y’all for being a great audience! We’ll let you know when we have our next adventure. 🙂

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Filed under Corinne

One response to “Corinne: Final List

  1. Good to hear you enjoyed your trip, maybe one day you’ll decide to relocate to Europe?

    Hey Corinne, if I may ask two things…

    What surprised you about Poland, because you said Poland surprised you the most… In what way?

    And second thing, why didn’t you go clubbing with that kebab guy?:) Warsaw has a fab club scene…

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