Day 31: Oh. That looks delicious.


It’s been one of those days where you aren’t quite sure where one stops and the next begins.

I feel like Rosie kind of down-played the fact that we missed our flight and were stuck in an airport for nearly 24 hours. About 14 of which took place today.

We had decided to take shifts being awake, and Sarah and I fell asleep at 2 (after running around the airport for an hour making post 30.5). We were on linoleum, and it was hard and cold. Rosie woke me up at 4:30 for my shift and I never got comfortable enough to go back to sleep. And here I am still going (chalk one up for living on little sleep during freshman year).

We dilly-dallied in our little bit of wall, having a nutritious breakfast of rolls, possibly with some Nutella and pretzels. I had a delicious sandwich of Nutella and Honey Nut Cheerios (not quite as good as the peanuts, but still worth a try). Sarah, on her lack of sleep, reacted with a little disjointed but empathic ‘Oh. That looks delicious.’ She was running on as little as I was.

At noon, we checked in for our flight (on time this time).

At 2, we took off.

At 3, we went down through some turbulance that got us all jittery, (including some less annoying gaspers behind us), but an extremely smooth landing.

At 3:15, we were walking through the huge airport making up a story problem about the speed of luggage reaching the conveyor versus the time it takes a passenger to get there.

At 4, we had our luggage and started looking at the cars for an Audi and our host for the weekend, Karen.

At 4:25, we used a payphone to call her.

At 4:45, we finally connected.

Then we spent a pleasant evening with her and her friends and her town. More info later, but we are safe and tired in Belgium. Finally. And have been harassed at every turn not to miss our flight back to the US.


Filed under Belgium, Corinne, Germany

2 responses to “Day 31: Oh. That looks delicious.

  1. Frank

    I just want to say that you proabably don’t want to miss your flight back to the US. I’m just saying you should try to be on time for that one. šŸ˜›

  2. Hi, Dewie again.

    Did I ever tell you about the time I missed my walk?

    I was locked in Herbie’s room. Everyone was calling me, but I couldn’t get out. I almost had an accident, but thankfully your dad figured out where I was and rescued me. What a great guy!

    Anyway, I wouldn’t have been stupid enough to miss a flight; it was bad enough just missing a walk.

    Hope you make your next flight. Tell Karen hello. And if she needs any shoes chewed, she can send them back with you.

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